Galaxydides are sound symbols used by the Guardians to communicate with one another. They are a more or less mortal-friendly way of exchanging information. Each symbol corresponds to one of the Guardians and has its own pronunciation. The exact meaning of each symbol for the Guardians remains unknown. Additionally, these symbols cannot be translated into any known language. It is believed that the galaxydides serve as a vessel to be filled with meaning and passed to another Guardian, making them impossible to translate.

For a long time, no one knew about the galaxydides; only some Guardians displayed these signs in their form. Over time, only the immortal races managed to gather all the sounds and discover their significance for the lives of other beings. Some Guardians themselves shared the meanings of their symbols, while other symbols were described after they influenced the life of the being who chose that symbol.

Each galaxydide is a powerful source of energy that influences the living being that chooses this sign as their guiding star. As both a symbol and a sound, it affects one's personality and destiny. Therefore, before choosing a galaxydide, one should carefully reflect on themselves and their shortcomings, so that the symbol complements the missing parts of their life instead of causing discord.

By choosing a galaxydide, a being temporarily or permanently (depending on the choice) binds themselves to the Guardian whose symbol the selected galaxydide represents. The choice is entirely voluntary, or it can be made by the parents if the galaxydide is meant to guide a child.

The Alphabet of the Guardians
KATO: An impulsive symbol, it sears into its bearer like a burning firebrand. Living with this galaxydide is difficult; one must struggle and suppress its manifestations until its destructive property transitions to a stage of unity. Few can endure its solitary influence without auxiliary symbols, which is why it is rarely chosen.

TE: Like sand, it is fluid and measured. An elusive galaxydide that imparts knowledge grain by grain, filling the vessel of consciousness. It easily coexists with the bearer and is a self-sufficient symbol that doesn’t require pairing. It greatly aids in studying the diversity of worlds and peoples.

URGA: At first glance, it appears to be a steady and heavy symbol, like a mountain dividing the land, but in reality, it harbors a destructive fierceness, whose weight can break an unprepared mind. To choose this galaxydide, one must be as strong in spirit as it is, and only then will it become a loyal helper in a long life. This symbol grants the ability to understand even entirely different forms of life and their existence.

ZA: A nimble and quick symbol, easy to connect with. It is often chosen by young enthusiasts who lack the courage to pursue their most daring and interesting ideas. This galaxydide will be like a friend, complementing its bearer and encouraging new exploits.

U: A light galaxydide, safe for individual use. It is soft and pliable; strong-willed beings can overshadow its influence or even repel it. It never takes the lead and can negatively affect only those with no willpower. If welcomed, it becomes a good helper.

SHA: A creative galaxydide that gradually brings about change, like an artist applying paint to a canvas. This symbol protects its bearer. Choosing this symbol should be the most deliberate decision, as its favor can change if the bearer acts against the ideals embedded within it.

KRI: This galaxydide is suited for those for whom KATO was too harsh, but whose life path still demands strength and courage, as it is full of danger and wars. The symbol yields only to beings with strong spirits who have already achieved something on their own and now seek more. Choosing this symbol too early can bring chaos and discord to one's surroundings. This galaxydide can grant the ability to foresee.

HAL: A galaxydide that exists on its own, as if it must be persuaded to offer protection. If one manages to pique its interest, its influence will be stronger and more intriguing.

TARE: A warm galaxydide that brings hope. The only one of the strong symbols that is mostly positive. A truly feminine galaxydide, it gives new life to those who turn to it.

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